Our second and relaxing part of our trip began with a 45 minute plane ride from Nassau to Long Island. We had expected a taxi to be waiting and one was, but it had been taken already and they only have one plane a day coming in. So, while waiting to figure out how to get a cab, the airport porter asked us if we needed a ride and where we were going, we told him to Chez Pierre and he agreed to take us. There are only about 4,000 people on the island, so everyone tends to know where things are. It was about a 45 minute drive and he told us about his family and about all the things people do for a living on the island. Catching lobster seems to be the best income for most islanders. Once we arrived at Chez Pierre, we walked the beach and I was happy at the variety and color of the shells there. We had an amazing dinner and found out that Pierre happens to be a French Canadian master chef. Almost every day went like this: get up at sunrise and head over to the main house for breakfast, enjoy a calm breakfast of coffee and eggs with Clayton and then go back to the cabin to get ready to go out for a beach stroll; walk the beach collecting shells for me while Clayton fished, come home around noon and get cleaned up for lunch; eat lunch and then go back to the room to relax and read and always fall asleep for a nap; we'd tend to wake around 5pm and go back out to wade in the water, fish and collect shells until 7pm; we'd go back to the main house for dinner and drink a beer while eating some fabulous creation of Pierre's; stroll down the beach back to our house, sit out and look at the stars and talk a bit and go to bed by 10pm. It was without a doubt the most relaxing time he and I have had in over 5 1/2 years! Our bungalow consisted of a single large room with a bed in it looking out on the ocean, a bathroom, and a screened in porch. We always had a nice cool breeze and you only ever felt hot in the middle of the day, so you turn on the fan and quickly fall asleep. It was so neat to fall asleep and wake up to the sound of the waves. The whole experience was so amazing for both of us. Everyone we met was fantastic and friendly and it felt good to get up early with the sun, I even found a day to do tai chi on the beach early one morning when the water was particularly quiet. It was awesome!

This is the "Welcome to Long Island" sign.

Our small plane that brought us there.

A picture to show how small the airport is. Even the plane is bigger than it!

Our little beach bungalow.

The view from the porch.

Looking down one side of the beach.

Looking the other direction.

Looking straight ahead.

Some pretty clouds.

Clayton relaxing on the proch after fishing and almost killing himself on some coral.

Apparently I put those clouds in again, sorry.
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