Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Summer's 1st day of full-day Kindergarten!!

Summer had a spectacular first day of school! Grandma D and Poppa D were there to see her off as well as River and me. She was only slightly nervous (I think my nerves were worse). We walked along to the side of the building and waited in line with her other classmates. Summer has 2 other children from her Cloverdale preschool in her class, so I think that helped. She had gym class that day and said she loved it. I guess they pretended to be animals and sang a song while exercising. She said she loved everything, but that lunch didn't last long enough-- she's always been a slow eater, so she has to learn to eat a bit faster. Luckily, she has snack time as well. This morning, we made over our next hurdle of taking the bus. She wanted to take it the first day and didn't understand why I wanted to drive her to school. For those of you who don't know, I didn't make it to her first day of preschool-- or many after that for a couple weeks, because River was born the day before. So, it was nice to be there. Unfortunately, Clayton had a conference in Philadelphia this year, so he missed it. Maybe we'll both be there for the first day of 1st Grade. Anyway, I did the good mom thing and held myself together for her and didn't cry until after she walked into the building with her class. I can't wrap my head around the fact that she'll be in full-time school now until she leaves us for college or beyond. At least I have one little guy that'll be around for a little while. But, let me tell you, those first 5 years with Summer flew by, even though certain days seemed like they'd never end! I am so incredibly proud of her and know she's gonna do awesome in school, she loves it so much and it will be so good for her!
Here you see Summer decked out in her Scooby-Doo backpack and lunch bag! Thanks again for the lunch bag Auntie Buffy! Summer couldn't wait to use it-- she pretended to go to school all Summer and used it as her school bag.

Summer's whole class right before they walk in. Her teacher, Mrs. Smiarowski (try to pronounce that one 3 times fast!, or even once for that matter!) is at the front and Mrs. Tompkins, is the aid, in back. Summer met Mrs. Tompkins over the summer in her jewelry making class there, she really likes her.


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